Friday, February 24, 2012

Sock monkey is complete!

I finished assembling my sock monkey last weekend.  I thought Joanne would get a kick out of playing with him, but that did not go so well.  I tried two different times and she wanted nothing to do with Mr. Jiggy (named after my favorite NHL goalie not that crazy dog on HOBH.)  

I brought him into work to show him to one of my co-workers and one of our sales reps wanted Jiggy for her grandson in FL.  Penny was going to see him later next month and thought he would love him.  Since I had to do something to get him out of the house I agreed and sold off Mr. Jiggy to his new home.  Joanne loved the purple hippo I crocheted for someone here at work so much I will have to make her one to replace the sock monkey. 

Freshly completed sock monkey hanging out in the recliner.

Jiggy hanging out at work with me.

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